Wood pellets for sale online

Wood pellets price in Europe

Commercial-grade Wood pellets for sale online are manufactured primarily from spruce sawdust, sourced in the Maritimes. Contamination-free handling and a strict quality control program ensure subsequent ash levels are minimized. Our bulk wood pellets adhere to the premium grade ENPlus A1 standard set by the European Wood pellets price in Europe Council. ENplus is the new benchmark for consumers and the operation of their boilers and stoves.

Wood pellets for sale online


The European certification ENplus for wood pellets was adopted in Canada in 2013 under the acronym BSLMgold. The ENplus and CANplus quality seals account for the whole wood pellet supply chain, from production to delivery to the final customer, to ensure high quality

. Both ENplus and CANplus certifications define wood pellet buyers’ quality classes following the ISO 17225 and are recognized in Canada, the United States and Europe.

Peace of Mind – Reduce Emissions – Lower Maintenance Costs

Wood pellets for sale online, Based on the most exacting technical parameters, Eastern Embers wood pellets must adhere to a number of requirements.

From certification agencies to testing bodies, the ENplus supply chain is totally under the authority of independent organisations; third-party audits guarantee total independence throughout the whole process.

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